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Pastoral Care


Pastoral care can be reached at 203-573-7213.

Pastoral care enhances the healing process and can be an important part of your treatment and recovery.

We believe in meeting the spiritual needs of our patients, visitors and staff of different faiths and religions. Members of the Pastoral Care Department are here to provide presence, conversation, counseling, sacraments or someone to read Scripture with.

Our Chapel is open 24-hours a day and is located on the Ground Floor just before the Pomeroy Elevators. It offers a quiet space for prayer and meditation and includes prayer and religious materials and items of worship for several religions including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Prayer materials include various Bibles (Christian, Catholic and Spanish), Hebrew English Tanakh, The Message of THE QUR’AN.

Every patient receives a visit from Pastoral Care within a 48-hour period. A pamphlet is provided to patients that includes prayers of various religions and contact information for the hospital chaplain. Patients are encouraged to call if there is spiritual or emotional need regardless of their faith tradition.

Patients may choose to receive daily communion if they desire. Free religious materials including Bibles, rosary beads and prayers card are available by request.

Every Sunday two services are offered: a 10:30 a.m. a Spirituality Group service if offered to patients on the Eighth Floor of the Pomeroy Building; and a noon Celebration of the Eucharist for staff and visitors in the Bizzozero Conference Room.

Throughout the year there are celebrations and services for patients, visitors and employees including celebrations of Hanukah, Advent, Lent and Easter. On Ash Wednesday, for example, ashes are given to some 300 people marking the beginning of Lent for Christians. Services and counseling are offered to patients and staff throughout the year, including a twice yearly eight week bereavement workshop.